Quick Beauty Tips.

Beauty 101

  • DRINK PLENTY OF WATER ! Simple old water seems to be one of beauties best kept secret…  I hardly used to drink water, I was more of a lucozade chica! Water didn’t have any benefits to me, it had no taste, no color, nothing. It wasn’t interesting enough for me , Lucozade, Cocoa Cola  and Lemonade  sure was though ! In fact it was too interesting with all those emulsifiers and sugars ! (Now I know where those couple pounds had come from !) Most of the drinks we consume have a high content of sugar, and lots of coloring’s from sweeteners and additives. These chemicals cause so much dysfunction in our bodies!  BUT, hold on wait a minute ! Water keeps you looking young.  Keeps your skin clear because it helps put your body in CHECK my dear ! And ….  my favorite …. water  aids in losing weight. I can back up that one , 2 glasses of water before each meal can help fight off the calories.  It can boost your brain power and your mood! Your excused ! You may now  go and get yourself a bottle or glass of water before reading the rest of the blog …..
  •  Splash your face with cold water before you apply make up. The cold water shrinks your pores , making it easier for your make up to go on smoother , it also makes your foundation last longer
  • Before doing a face mask  steam your face, you want to deep cleanse , for that to happen you have to open your pores people.  use a face steaming machine or soak a face towel into  hot water (however hot you can stand it water) and place on your face for a minute – (do this 4 times) and after follow with a face mask or for double the treat exfoliate too.
  • Clean your beauty tools – brushes, tweezers , razors etc after a couple of uses it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria  which then leads to breakouts and other skin conditions.
  • To heal chapped lips but a lip balm on at night and in he morning scrub away with a toothbrush. I love to use Carmex and my own lip balm cosmetics.

  • To help with dark under eye circles use tea bags , preferably green tea , it contains lots of antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties making it fabulous for our skin.
  • If your waxing  shaving soon  exfoliate 2 days before and after to avoid getting more ingrown hairs on your legs. it could even get rid of the ones you do have.
  • using natural organic products on your skin is always best , it’s free from preservatives , and chemicals some of which have links to skin cancer. Yep I know terrible right. Petroleum jelly isn’t as good as it may seem , but hey that’s for another blog post.  Try changing to 100% Shea butter whip it up ! They have glorious tutorials on Youtube . I’m telling you it’s fantastic and really good for your skin !

  • Get a minimum of 8 hours sleep , your body is a reflection of how you treat it in most cases , if you feel sluggish and tired , chances are you look it too ,  you can fool other people but you cant fool yourself with all that make up.
  • Exercise  and eat properly , treat your body like a temple .  Cut down on the cadburys and the the cookies , sweets etc. Stack up on the strawberries and mango’s. Your body deserves the best,  do that and i’m sure you’ll be grateful in the long run.

So lovelies these are some basic tips that should benefit you .

Love you lots

Until next time

Kendra Azula  🙂 xx