Develop the Right Attitude


Here are 10 suggestions to help you develop and maintain a healthy self-image. 
Read them slowly. Meditate on them regularly.

1. Hate your sin, but never hate yourself. 
2. Be quick to repent. 
3. When God gives you light, walk in it. 
4. Stop saying negative things about yourself. God loves you and it’s wrong to hate what He loves. He has great plans for you, so you’re in conflict with Him when you speak negatively concerning your future. 
5. Never be afraid to admit that you’ve made a mistake and don’t always assume that when things go wrong, or always say, “It must be my fault.”
6. Don’t meditate excessively on what you’ve done, right or wrong; both of these activities keep your mind on you! Center your thoughts on Christ. 
7. Take good care of yourself physically. Make the best of what God gave you to work with, but don’t be obsessed with your appearance. 
8. Never stop learning, but don’t allow your education to become a point of pride. God doesn’t use you because of what’s in your head: He uses you because of what’s in your heart. 
9. Realize that your talents are a gift, not something you have manufactured yourself; never look down on people who can’t do what you do. 
10. Don’t despise your weaknesses; they keep you dependent on God.


My Transitioning…

So as you guys may already know I decided to transition to more of an all natural state.

I’m transitioning  in terms of my hair and how I treat my whole body to be frank. I started relaxing and chemically treating my hair for 6 years , all due to how I thought hair and beauty should be perceived. I was definitely sucked in to this mind state that I had to alter myself to be pretty and to be accepted. AND to be honest I’m so glad I don’t think that way anymore because I’m no longer going to change what God put his paint brush on. I’m really exhausted when it comes to me and this ego that wants to attack me  and tell me I’m not pretty , I don’t look right and I’m not normal.

I’ve always tried to perfect myself, but now realizing that no ones perfect and that I was fooled into thinking those girls in the magazines and TV adverts looked like that when they wake up. (Which they don’t).

Until of recent, years of insecurities have been building up and depression fully taking it’s toll on me ,  again. I’ve had to change my mind frame to get over these little viruses and whispers society has put in my head.

No one can make me feel inferior without my consent anymore , and I’ve given people enough. So i’m going to focus on the canvas I have here. Instead of comparing and wishing for what I don’t have I need to appreciate what I do have. I don’t want to be hiding in my room until its my next appointment , I don’t want to suddenly be happy and confident because I have a couple add ons attached to me. We all have to learn and be comfortable in our own skin. 

Just to make it clear i’m not saying make up and extensions and nails etc is bad I’m just clearly stating that you should feel confident when these things are not attached to you also.

So Yeah !!! I’m transitioning because  I no longer want to depend on anything else apart from what God gave me to be happy.. I’m in complete BEAST MODE  AND MY BODY FREAKING LOVES IT . 

The healthy food .

The daily work outs.


The natural oils in my new beauty cosmetics.

The Frequent Meditation.



So I hope I answered some questions for you.


Kendra x